Ma (future) semaine type à l'IIT!
Bon il faut encore que je m'enregistre aux cours (en espérant qu'il restera de la place ...) mais sinon voici à quoi devrait ressembler ma (furture) semaine type à l'IIT:
Bon comme vous pouvez facilement le constater:
- Pas de cours avant 1h de l'aprem :)
- Pas cours le vendredi :)
- Cours jusqu'à 9h du soir ????? Bizarre ça quand même ...
Ah oui, vite fait une petite description en anglais de mes cours (la flemme de traduire):
- GRAPH THEORY AND APPL: Graph theory is the study of systems of points with some of the pairs of points joined by lines. Sample topics include: paths, cycles and trees; adjacency and connectivity; directed graphs; Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs and digraphs; intersection graphs. Applications to the sciences (computer, life, physical, social) and engineering will be introduced throughout the course.
- INTRO TO STOCHASTIC PROCESS: This is an introductory course in stochastic processes. Its purpose is to introduce students to a range of stochastic processes which are used as modeling tools in diverse fields of applications, especially in the business applications. The course introduces the most fundamental ideas in the area of modeling and analysis of real World phenomena in terms of stochastic processes. The course covers different classes of Markov processes: discrete and continuous-time Markov chains, Brownian motion and diffusion processes. It also presents some aspects of stochastic calculus with emphasis on the application to financial modeling and financial engineering.
- INTRO MATHEMATICAL FINANCE: This is an introductory course in mathematical finance. Technical difficulty of the subject is kept at a minimum by considering a discrete time framework. Nevertheless, the major ideas and concepts underlying modern mathematical finance and financial engineering will be explained and illustrated.
- ANALYSIS NONLINEAR SYS: Graphical and analytical methods, phase plane and singular points, periodic oscillations and limit cycles, forced nonlinear systems, jumps subharmonics and frequency entrainment; stability analysis using Liapunov, Popov and circle criteria; introduction to describing functions.
1 commentaire:
C'est cool alexis que tu puisses finalement partir comme tu l'avais prévu ;)
J'espère que tu vas bien t'éclater là bas, et que moi, je mourerai pas de froid à Stockholm :p
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